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Breast lift

Heredity,the way it reflects skin quality ,breast size and the proportion of fat and mammary gland, are the main causes of breast “sinking”Some other equally important factors are weight fluctuation,pregnancy etc.

INDICATIONS:every adult woman having a minor or major breast “sinking” when she wishes to.Since breast is an erotic zone her partner should agree on any operation she might have.

OPERATION:after the necessary laboratory tests a2hour operation follows under general anaeshetic.After the operation the problem area is covered with splenium.Analgetic treatment is rarely needed.The patient stays at the clinc for one night and the next day She goes home where she stays in bed for a couple of days under observation. Stitches are removed ten days later.

RESULTS: after the operation breast is swollen .The marks (having the shape of an upside down T are still visible.After afew months irritation disappears and marks get pale.Hopefully,some skins make the marks dissaapear really fast.Finally,a new sports bra is necessary to support the”new” breast during the first postoperative month.

Breast lift
Breast lift

Breast “sinking “ and anisomastia of a 30 year old woman.This is the case of right breast reduction and left breast lifting.

  • Stage 1:This is how breast look 10 days later when stitches are removed.
  • Stage 2:Two months later,the marks have almost disappeared and breast has its natural shape.