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Abdominoplasty/tummy tack

The inner side of the abdomen consists of a myoneural layer on which there is a layer of fat and skin.

Cosmetic plastic surgery deals with the ampliation of the dermal adipose of the inner side and
In some cases of the myoneural level is needed.

The causes that lead a bad quality skin to ampliation are:


b)weight fluctuation

Many people ask if they can improve a flabby abdomen by taking exercise.The answer is that exercise concerns only the muscular inner side and doesn’t affect the skin.

INDICATIONS:Every woman,regardless of age,whose inner side of the abdomen is loose ,can have abdominoplasty.
Sometimes there is looseness Only in the low inner side.In these cases a limited abdominoplasty is recommended(mini abdominoplasty)This category includes. Most of the cases of abdominopasty in men..

OPERATION:After the necessary laboratory tests a 2 ½ hour operation follows under general anaesthetic.The cutting is made low near the pubes where loose skin and fat are removed. The woman stays at the clinic for one night having the abdomen covered with splenium and elastic bandage.This cover is kept (some changes are made )until the 12th day when stitches are removed. Patients are recommended to wear a special lastex (supporting the area around the abdomen )for a month.

RESULTS:After abdominoplasty ,abdomen is straight but a bit swollen for some time.The cutting is usually
Straight and long(its length depends on the woman’s body and the level of the skin looseness)During the first month the cutting is red and later becomes pale and tends to dissapear.However, it is surely covered by underwear.

Mini abdominoplasty

When ampliation is medium and is limited to the low inner side,cosmetic reconstitution is achieved with mini abdominoplasty.With this method we do not need to transfer
The umbilical pedicle and the cutting is made low near the pubes.In this way the scar is small and barely visible.


Loose abdomen inner sides of a 43 year old woman(2 pregnancies) after stitches have been removed.