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Otoplasty/ear surgery

Otoplasty is a common cosmetic plastic surgery operation aiming at repairing the long distance between ear and skull..

“Sticking out” ears do not contribute to the face formation .Nevertheless ears define the face so it is difficult for boys (since they cannot cover their ears with hair)to handle the situation.People around them make fun of them without realising they hurt Their feelings especially during their first steps at school . Making fun of “sticking out “ears continues during the military service when compulsory haircut aggravates the problem.

INDICATIONS:Every person ,regardless of the age ,can have an otoplasty.Ears have their final shape and size by the age of seven.This is the most appropriate age for an operation ,since children avoid being made fun of at school.

OPERATION:Otoplasty is performed under local anaesthetic on adolescents and adults.This means that the person stays at the clinic for as long as the operation lasts(about an hour).The cutting is made at the back of the ear so as to be invisible.

Otoplasty is completely painless and can be compared to a visit to a dentist.One or two analgesic pills may be needed the same evening in case of pain .

After the operation the ears are covered with splenium and elastic bandage for about a week.Stitches are removed on the 8th postoperative day.

RESULTS:The results are impressive on the very first day.The minor swelling goes quickly and ears can be shown fifteen days after the operation.


A case of “sticking out “ ears having the anthelix slightly formed.Otoplasty concerned better anthelix formation and extra skin removal.

In most cases the problem causing”sticking out” ears derives from the concha which makes the whole ear (whose Anthelix is normal)stay away from the skull.In this case the operation Lasts no longer than 20 minutes and the post operative stage is milder.



A very common case of ‘sticking out “ear while the other is considered to be normal.This case is more difficutt since the “sticking out “ear should be symmetrical to the other.This demands that the ear should approach the skull More than it is desirable .Within a month ,when the ear Forms its final shape ,the ears are identical.

A case of a 15 year old student’s. ‘sticking out “ear Since she is young tissue is easily shaped and this makes the operation easier.After the stitches and the elastic plaster are removed,we recommend that the patient wear An elastic ribbon for as long as possible at least during the night.
